The worldwide problem
According to World Health Organization (WHO) data the number one cause of death across the world is cardiovascular disease (eg. stroke, heart attack).
Heart disease was responsible for approaching 17.9 million deaths in 2016, which represents approximately 31% of all deaths, 85% of these heart disease deaths being due to heart attacks and strokes. [1] A significant number of cardiovascular disease sufferers (approximately 60 million people) are obliged for the rest of their lives to take anti blood clotting medicines (eg. Warfarin, Marfarin) to avoid potential blood clotting events. According to the American Heart Association (AHA) these sufferers need to measure, minimum once monthly [2], their INR (International Normalized Ratio – blood clotting speed, that is the prothrombin time) level, in order to check the doctor’s level of prescribed medication, or to monitor the effectiveness of the nedication.
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How often is it required to measure INR?
Since many circumstances affect the K-vitamin antagonist medicine blood level, for example the amount of K-vitamin found in food consumed, as well as other medicines taken, alcohol consumption, etc. it is of paramount life-saving importance to monitor INR level continuously.
According to a recent study, once weekly monitoring of INR level significantly improves the safety of the medicine therapy regime, thus reducing the probability of life threatening side effects developing. [3]
How can it be measured?
There are three methods available for monitoring INR level in the world today:
- A traditional hospital examination
- Testing at the doctor’s surgery (Point of Care POC)
- Self-testing INR level at home
All three possibilities are inconvenient for the patient, being either very costly, or requiring significant time and energy. In larger territories of the world, whether due to long distances, inadequate health services, or just poor patient/doctor co-operation, a large percentage of patients are not monitoring continuously their INR levels, which leads to inadequate therapy and threatens patients’ lives.
Haemothromb Test®
A world’s first, thanks to a hungarian inventor, it is now possible to measure INR level quickly, cheaply, and easily with this one-time, disposable CE marked device, the Haemothromb Test®.
A Haemothromb Test® helps patients and their doctors regulate and monitor the optimum level of medication, and thus avoid side effects caused by incorrect dosage, improving quality of life, and reducing life threatening events due to mistaken dosages. The Haemothromb Test® is conveniently small, easy to use and does not require power to operate. Its cost efficiency ensures its use across a wide spectrum such that patients on anti blood clotting medication may feel safe in all life situations, the unpleasantness associated with INR measurement being alleviated.